Name: Christine Hailley Hawkins
DOB: 3/24/63
SSN: 097-45-3992
Height: 5'11
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Blue (as Christine), Red (as Firehawk)
Hair: Red (as Christine), Blue (as Firehawk)
Complexion: Pale (as Christine), Gold (as Firehawk)
Occupation: Former executive assistant to Silver
Avenger Stephen Hawkins
Marital Status: Married to Silver Avenger Stephen Hawkins
Children: One son, David Albert Hawkins
Political Affiliation: Nonpartisan
Christine Hailley was one of the first female PRIMUS assault agents,
assigned to New York's PRIMUS facility in 1984. However, the Cyberline
treatment activated her latent paranormal abilities in a particularly
dramatic way, and she became the heroine Firehawk. At this
time, PRIMUS did not accept known paranormals into their ranks (this
is still the policy, with the exception of the Sentinels), but because
of her exceptional willingness to share and help out where PRIMUS
could often not because of juristdiction, she was given a job in
public relations. Those who knew of her abilites would often tell
her of cases she might want to investigate, and she worked closely
with law enforcement as Firehawk.
Christine's romance with Darin Falswell ended when her powers manifested.
Hurt, she married Grant Alexander, a wealthy New York banker.
He became abusive and threatening, and she left him. For years
following, Christine was skittish and wary of involvement, but when
PRIMUS assigned her the duty of executive assistent to Stephen Hawkins,
they struck up a friendship which slowly blossomed into romance.
(What Christine has never discovered is that the Silver Avenger
had particularly requested Christine, and that he'd even called
upon his father to make sure it happened.) She resigned
her position several weeks before news of their engagement became
public, and now studies law, in addition to raising their firstborn,
David Albert Hawkins (named after two of her teammates in the Hudson
Firehawk is one of those paranormals that everyone knows, from
her "Don't play with fire" public service announcements
to her now thirteen year career as a respected vigilante. She's
aware of how fleeting public opinion is (and so is very careful
not to provoke anyone), and is also an unofficial spokeswoman for
paranormal rights.
Christine, now a member of the Hudson Hawks along with Orion
and Olympian, is very loyal to PRIMUS, though she was very shocked
at the revelations of corruption that her teammates and the Golden
Avenger discovered. She is not close to her family, who, as devout
Catholics considered her divorce to be shameful. She's become
more friendly with her younger sister, Monica, since her pregnancy
and Monica's romance with Orion. She is still shy around unfamiliar
men, but is working to overcome that.
Christine is a beautiful, tall redhead in her thirties. She
dresses conservatively and is scrupulously polite as Christine,
but as Firehawk, she tends to let go and be flamboyant. Over
time, the two aspects of her personality have blended, and the dichotomy
is not as pronounced. As Firehawk, her skin becomes golden, her
eyes become red, and her hair is a fiery blue (which looks like
flames, but is only mildly warm to the touch.) And everyone likes
to try the hair out.
Quote: [Gently, as a child reaches out to touch her
blue hair.] "No, it won't burn you."
Gaming Background:
Christine was a primary NPC in the Hudson Hawks campaign, and
became very popular with the players. Initially intended as a vehicle
for the PCs to develop a friendly relationship with PRIMUS (to make
the revelations about the Sentinels more shocking: see the "Secret
History of PRIMUS" page for that), she became a full fledged
team member and close friend to the PCs. I knew I had to be
doing something right when my husband's character, Orion,
kept hitting on her (Matthew never pursues romantic plots
in games.) She's a fun character to introduce into a game, especially
when you play up the personality differences in her forms.