Name: Albert Frederick Hudson
DOB: 1/13/61
SSN: 094-42-3119
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown(as Albert), Black (as Olympian)
Hair: Sandy (as Albert), Black (as
Occupation: Founder and CEO of Hudson
Marital Status: Married to Mary Hudson
Children: One daughter, Erica Hudson
Political Affiliation: Repubican |
Friday, January 13, 1961 was not an unlucky day for Fred and Janice
Hudson. Their son, Albert Frederick was born on that day in perfect
health. From an early age, Fred and Janice realized that Albert
was very intelligent. Reading at three, electronics at nine, and
physics at twelve. Albert entered the University at thirteen and
began racking up degrees. A bachelors in Electronics, a masters
in Physics, doctorates in Gravitics, Biology, Genetics, and an MD.
All in all, a healthy academic career.
While earning his final doctorate in Genetics, Albert met an attractive
woman who was getting her masters in Social Psychology, named Mary
Nichols. They dated for a while, fell in love, and got married.
Albert's graduate thesis in genetics garnered him a job offer from
Berkeley Enterprises. He and Mary moved to Hudson City, the location
of the lab Albert was to be in charge of. Albert worked for Berkeley
Enterprises for five years, the minimum length of his contract,
and then quit, stating ethical reasons for resigning. He then proceeded
to set up his own company, Hudson Research Labs, Inc. HRL soon surpassed
Berkeley Enterprises in R&D capability. Berkeley Enterprises
filed many suits against HRL, claiming that Hudson had taken confidential
research information with him, but Albert was able to prove that
his company had taken new angles of attack on old problems, and
no other previous research had been used. HRL soon grew beyond the
first small lab, and into an international corporation, Hudson Industries.
In 1985, Albert and Mary, now multi-millionaires, were blessed
with a daughter, Erica. By this time, Albert had received a Nobel
prize, won a seat on the Hudson City Council, and his many donations
to charities had earned him the title of "The Son Of The City."
By 1995, Albert had diversified HRL and built his empire into a
multi-billion dollar entity. Albert still likes to keep a hand in
the business, but his heart is still dedicated to genetic research.
In the middle of April, while Albert was working on a new splicing
technique using gravitics fluxuate the environment, an accident
occurred. A lightning bolt struck near the small private lab and
the UPS failed to regulate the spike. The security door to the sample
chamber closed while Albert was changing the samples. The gravidic
beam powered up and discharged before Albert could get the door
open. The beam knocked him unconscious. When Albert woke up, he
felt slightly funny, but otherwise fine.
Albert was amazed that he was alive, but figured he wouldn't question
it too much. A couple of days later, while walking back to the lab
from lunch, Albert heard a scream from an alley. Without thinking,
Albert ran into the alley. As he ran, a funny feeling came over
him again, and he realized that his perspective was considerably
higher than normal and his clothes were splitting at the seams.
Albert saw two knife wielding men attacking a woman. One of the
attackers turned and gaped. Albert threw a punch at the assailant
and realized that the fist that connected was attached to a large,
muscle-bound arm. While the first man flew back into the wall, Albert
grabbed the second man and threw him back into the wall. Both men
fell to the ground unmoving. Albert checked the woman and quickly
stopped her bleeding, and then checked the two attackers. Both had
concussions and many broken bones. By this time the police had showed
up. Albert, figuring that the woman would be able to identify her
attackers, turned and ran away down the alley. He found a place
to hide out for a while, and gave himself a through self-exam. He
found himself to be much bigger, stronger, and to have different
facial features, hair and eye color. After about an hours concentration,
he was able to change himself back to normal, but now he was only
dressed the tattered remains of his suit.
Over the next few weeks, he subjected himself to rigorous testing
both in the lab and out in the remote wilderness. Albert found that
not only is he incredibly strong, but also very resilient to damage,
and while not capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound,
he can jump much farther and faster than he can run. Albert can
now shift instantly between his normal form and his genetically
enhance form. There are two side effects of the enhanced form that
he has discovered. The first is that when he transforms and uses
his powers, he becomes incredibly hungry after a while, and must
consume a large amount of food. The other is that when he fell asleep
in the enhanced form, when he awoke, he was in his normal form.
He has found that when he sleeps, he gradually shifts back to normal.
Due to the problems with his rapid size increase when changing,
Albert has started wearing a pair of bicycle pants under his normal
clothes, so as not to be indecent.
The Hudsons live in a mansion in the Irishtown district of Hudson
City. Their house is quite large with impressive grounds, considering
they are in the middle of the city. They have a cook, butler, maid,
and chauffeur who all live on the premises. Mary Hudson is an attractive
36 year old woman, 5'6", 110 lbs, with auburn hair and green
eyes. She donates a lot of her time to various women's shelters
to help with counciling. She is also quite an accomplished politician's
wife, being more adept in the social circles than Albert. Erica,
who takes after her mother, attends a private school in the city.
Personality/Motivation: Olympian is motivated by both the
responsibility of his power, as well as upholding the good. He is
easy going, and often willing to give people a second chance, but
when innocents are harmed, he will not stop until he apprehends
the culprits.
Albert Hudson is a handsome 35 year old man. In his normal form,
he is 5'10" and 165 lbs with sandy hair and brown eyes. In
hero form, he is 6'7", 250 lbs with black hair and eyes.