Monday Night, Mill Valley

The Golden Avenger informs Odyssey that there haven't been any additional kidnappings today -- a fact for which everyone at PRIMUS is hopeful means the rash is over. "I am not so optimistic," he says.

"Nor I," Ralph's theatrical voice booms behind the two of them. Standing on the wrap-around open porch in his late Victorian house, there's a sweeping view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the City behind them.

The Golden Avenger raises an eyebrow. "Good evening, sir," he says, holding out his hand. "Odyssey has told me that you have some information about the kidnap--"

"I will discuss this momentarily," Ralph says, wild-eyed. "Not outside." Every time Odyssey sees him, he looks a little different -- today he appears to be in his late 80s. He's wearing a tweed jacket and worn Levi's with Birkenstocks. He leads them through halls and rooms of dusty bookshelves, and shelves of bizarre statues. Antiquities are perched on every wall of the house, and they pass what looks suspiciously like a Degas, leaning haphazardly against a wall. Degas? Cassie thinks. When did Ralph start enjoying the ballet?

Finally they're led into Ralph's office. "You will wait for the others," he says, then leaves.

The office is surprisingly neat, given the state of the rest of the house. The books here line up in orderly rows, and there's no dust on the heavy oak desk. There is a picture of Cassie and Tony with the young Elvis, however, and the Golden Avenger raises his eyebrow in the gesture Cassie is learning is his strongest expression of shock. "You were married in Vegas?" he asks, as Knightblade and Protector arrive.

"Actually, we eloped," she answers. "It's a long story that involves two families, two religions and an argument over whether or not the pope is infallible. Perhaps another time I'll go into it, if you're interested. It is a nice picture though. And boy did Elvis sing one kick-ass version of Blue Suede shoes at the reception party. You know, he was a qualified minister and married us."

When Ralph enters the room again, he seems more gathered than Cassie has seen him in years. "I knew this was coming," he says. "We had thought it would happen fifty years ago, but it's happening now."

"What's happening?" asks the Golden Avenger.

Ralph glares at him, and the Golden Avenger holds his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. "There is a large gathering of evil forces," Ralph says. "We had anticipated back in the forties, but when we worked the Spell of Protection it seemed to do the trick. I've been watching ever since, for the resurgence, and now it's happening again."

The Golden Avenger opens his mouth to ask another question, but Ralph cuts him off. "All of this has happened before," Ralph says. "The singers, the painters, the thinkers. In the forties it was passed off by the government as actions of the Japanese, but we knew the truth. But this time they aren't taking pairs, there are taking five."

Knowing that if she interrupts him at this point he'll be rude and might possibly mention the great broccoli incident, Cassie listens, knowing he'll let her talk when he's done.

"Now, in the old days, there was only one way to handle cultists." Ralph gestures with a gnarled hand to a double-barreled shotgun in the corner. "But I'm getting a little old for that. So I need your help."

"Pardon me, Ralph, but you've caught me kind of in the dark here," Odyssey says, looking a little perplexed. I've really got to start paying more attention to Tony's golf partners, I think.

"Exactly why are these cultists kidnapping singers, painters and thinkers? And what are they cultists of? And while we are discussing this, do you have any idea what they are planning and how we can one, track them down, and two, fight them?"

"Oh, and if I find out that you've been hauling that," Odyssey points to the double-barreled shotgun in the corner, "around in a golf bag and involving my husband in God knows what when you were 'supposedly' playing the back 18 at Augusta Field, there'll be hell to pay."

"Look here, missy," Ralph scolds. "I was fighting cultists when your daddy was a twinkle in his daddy's eyes."

Protector, under his breath: "I know how you feel..."

"If I knew why they wanted these people, I wouldn't have called you," Ralph continues. "Last time, they needed them to summon something from the deep. I don't ask why, I just do. Or maybe you would have preferred that I ask Nyarlathotep why he wanted to invade this dimension?"

"Ahhh, there's the Ralph I know and love," Odyssey says, bestowing a devilish smile on Ralph. "You had me worried, being so nice and polite. Suddenly inviting me and all my friends to your house. I was beginning to suspect you might have gone soft on me or gotten yourself possessed - that's so common with cult investigators. Good to see you haven't. Oh, and that crack about Nyarlathotep, knowing you Ralph, it wouldn't surprise me at all, if you didn't find some way to carry it off and still escape unscathed."

"Some day you're going to have to tell how old you really are," Odyssey adds with a wink.

"Hmph," Ralph says. "Unlikely." But his eyes do crinkle a bit.

The Golden Avenger clears his throat. "Excuse, me, sir," he begins. "It is my understanding that there are two groups at work here, not just one. I believer that Odyssey knows more about this theory?" He looks at the beautiful Greek woman expectantly.

"I reviewed the reports with Silver Avenger Chow and one of the things that struck me was that two of the abductions of the singers were accomplished using a Pentagram while the other three abductions were done by our masked phantom," Odyssey says. "It started me thinking that perhaps all the attacks were not being done by the same group. I mean, why waste time, energy and resources drawing pentagrams, etc., when you can just pop up grab the person and be gone."

"Now, what if we have two groups working? One that uses pentagrams. One that uses Casper the ghost. And, what if the two groups are working against each other or competing for scarce resources - the singers, painters and thinkers?"

"It also got me thinking about some biblical references to the Rapture and the coming of the Beast in the Book of Revelations. But I don't know if they apply here anymore."

"So far I've only heard the report of one thinker being kidnapped. Do we have a chance of putting a watch out on other well known scientists, think tank members, etc?"

"Ralph, you are familiar with spells, what else would be needed besides the artists, thinkers and singers? Any special books, magical items? Would the spell have to be conducted in any particular place?"

"Perhaps if we can anticipate what these people need to get, we can beat them to the punch and surprise them."

Knightblade listens quietly to the conversation. Mentally sifting through all the facts while looking for ideas.

"So far as I know," Ralph says, "There are only the three groups of people. The biggest problem is that no one's willing to advertise being a cultist these days. As for the coming of the beast, there's something you might be interested in. A certain man of my acquaintance who has wrestled his whole life with demons, or rather, with being possessed by a demon, was recently trapped in this dimension. Since his demonic form is a tiger, he qualifies as a beast. Last night he was 'summoned' by five cultists -- in the middle of the Palace of Fine Arts, no less! -- and his life force was being sucked dry. Well," Ralph adds colloquially, "Until I managed to pull his butt out of there. But frankly, I'm more worried about Hounds of Tindalos than I am the Rapture."

"I don't know the specifics of the spell yet, but I'm calling on a few old friends who might be able to help. Hopefully they'll be in contact with me soon. Can you tell me more about the people who have been taken?" Ralph asks. "That would be a good place to start. What do they have in common?"

Slowly, a thought starts to form in Protector's mind. Something just out of his reach. The events of the last two months seem about to congeal into something. His realizations about things that have happened, and things that have not happened. His eyes grow wide, and a small part of why his life was disrupted two months before becomes clear to him. Someone had something to gain.

And suddenly something connects with a nearly audible click in his head.

"Oh my God." He says quietly, but audibly. The low tone of his statement adds to its impact as everyone turns to look at him.

"The Spell of Protection." Protector states in almost a whisper, as if he can't quite believe what he's thinking. "It shut out all magic power, both good *and* bad for the last fifty years didn't it? But it didn't have to be that way did it? It could have been different, couldn't it?"

He puts his fingers to his temple and his eyes dart from side to side. Almost to himself, "Cripes... what did I do...?"

"What are you talking about?" the Golden Avenger asks. "Are you saying you're the Protector from 50 years ago?"

"Hello, Earth to Protector," Odyssey says, her eyes narrowing on a man who appears to be talking to himself. "Um, maybe we could help if you weren't so cryptic. What do you mean about this 'Spell of Protection' ?"

Looking up at GA, Protector takes a deep breath. "The details are complicated, but yes I am." He steps toward one side of the room, eying the older objects on display. "I was a federal agent here in San Francisco for eight years before it happened. Against my will I was somehow sent back in time to 1938. At first I didn't believe it. Even after I discovered my powers, I tried not to do anything. I mean, I've seen Star Trek, right? You're not supposed to do anything to the past, I know." He paces back and forth as he speaks.

"But I couldn't live my life in a box. After almost a year of concealing myself, I finally started using my powers to fight crime. When the war broke out I went to the War Department and signed up." Skipping a bit Shawn decided he'd rather not say much more and sums up, "In July of 1945, the same weird fog that started the whole thing showed up again and here I am... But this isn't where I was. Things are different. Some very big things and a *lot* of little things." He turns to face Ralph.
"Specifically, there were a lot of magical superheroes around all through this time since The War. Even though I wasn't a part of that business, I remember seeing them on the news and in magazines all the time. Now there are practically none. I have always wondered why I was picked, what anyone had to gain by sending me back in time. Now I'm starting to have my suspicions, but... its getting harder to remember the way things used to be..."

"Multiple Earths, that's the second time I've heard that mentioned today," Odyssey says, suddenly realizing she's been pursuing the wrong track of information for the last few minutes. "It seems like every time these magical happenings start, someone gets zapped into another Earth. Same planet different dimension - to steal a line from 'Sliders.' "

"I wonder if they are somehow connected."

Hope surges to the forefront of Shawn's thoughts. Perhaps there is a way to undo what happened in 1945. Maybe there's a place where things didn't have to end that way.

"Twice?" Protector said, suddenly very interested. "Who was the other?"

"I'm sorry, I can't give you that person's name," Odyssey says.

Protector stiffens and glares at the curt response.

"The only reason I bring it up now, is perhaps these dimensional shifts are somehow connected to these strange happenings. Either they are directly a part of this or an ancillary effect of all this magic. Ralph, you've had more experience with all this magic stuff. What do you think? Could dimensional teleporting be a part of this?"

"Wait one damn minute," Protector stares squarely at Odyssey. He speaks slowly, his tone most grave. "This isn't some telephone solicitor asking for your friend's address. My *world* is gone. Some people I rather care for were a part of it, and some of them aren't here in this one, so don't you dare brush me off like that." He takes a deep breath. "What we have to do here is more important right now, but we *will* talk about this later."

Knightblade sighs inwardly and thinks, "Note to myself: If Protector doesn't realize what a complete ass he just made of himself and apologize before we leave... punch his lights out and explain it to him."

"Protector, I realize that you have gone through extreme adversity," Odyssey says, striving to diffuse the situation. "I am simply stating a fact. That information was given to me in confidence. I agreed to tell no one. As a superhero, I think you understand the importance of honoring your word. I brought this up now because of the extreme situation and the danger posed to at least 11 lives - five singers, five artists and at least one thinker. Plus the danger facing an entire city, possibly the world."

"To solve this problem, I don't think you need the name of the person I was referring too," Odyssey adds. "If, at such time, you could explain to me why this name was necessary, I would ask that person's permission to reveal their identity."

"Furthermore, need I remind you that you've told me precious little about your life," Odyssey says, giving Protector a very earnest look. "How am I to know what has happened to you or why? It wasn't until just now that you revealed you've been living back in time. Before you rush to judgment on why I am - for now- refusing your request, perhaps you should look at it from my point of view and also realize that I know so very little about you."

"She's talking about my twin brother," the Golden Avenger says quietly. "He disappeared in 1984, spent twelve years in another dimension, and was returned by a 'magical force' three months ago." Suddenly both Knightblade and Protector remember the CNN broadcast of the appointment of Admiral Alexander Johnson as Secretary of the Navy. While it was widely known that the Golden Avenger is the Admiral's youngest son, what had come to light recently was that his oldest son was found after a long absence. No other mention of the circumstances had been made in the press. "We're still unclear on the details, or why he vanished in the first place. Theories," he says with a slight smile to Odyssey,"are running rampant."

"I am curious about how the world has changed," he directs to Protector. "What is different?"

"Before you answer, Ralph, can I ask one question? Has anyone else noticed... inconsistencies in the world around them? When I woke up this morning, the food in my refrigerator was different. Not drastically, but definitely noticeably." Knightblade looked around the room to see what kind of reaction he got. Personally, he wasn't too worried. Dusty's name hadn't come up yet, and as long as he was somewhere else, things couldn't be that bad or bizarre.

Protector turns to face the GA. "Many minor things. For instance my Father served in a different unit in Vietnam than the one I remembered. But some major ones." he pauses, wondering if its even a good idea to say it. "World War Two ended two years early here. It's supposed to go until 1947 when the US finally developed the A-bomb. In this world we never even invaded Japan.

But of immediate concern here, is the fact that I remember there being a lot of "magic" based supers around. One of the most famous ones was a woman called Spelldancer in the 70s." Shawn remembered the poster he had of that superheroine on his wall when he was a kid. He'd had such a crush on her for a while there. Carol used to put a blue towel around her neck and tease him by pretending to be Spelldancer and making kissy-faces at him. Wow, hadn't thought about that for a long time. But then his next thought hit him like a bucket of cold water in the face. 'Carol wouldn't remember that. It never happened.'

"The time frame for your brother's return is interesting, too," he continued. "I've been here about ten weeks now."

The Golden Avenger starts at his revelation, and even Ralph has stopped glaring long enough to look genuinely interested. "You're saying that magic played a real role in the world you grew up in," he says. "And that the War lasted longer. I'm sorry, it's just so strange to imagine," he says.

"The difference between our world and the one Alex lived in for twelve years was that there were no paranormal abilities at all in the other dimensions," he tells you all. "I mean, no magic, no PRIMUS, no VIPER."

Ralph speaks next. "I've never heard of a dimension without magic," he says, wringing his hands. "Here no one talks about it, but it shows up, every so often. There are small magical things, like her amulet." Ralph gestures at Odyssey. "That's pre-Mohammedan," he says proudly. "From the forges of Damascus. It's magic, all right. But a world with nothing," he shakes his head, "Would unbalance everything."

Knightblade shakes his head also, "No offense, Golden Avenger, but the other dimension must have had, at least, minor magic even if your brother never saw it. You said he was returned by a 'magical force'. Even if the origin of that force was on our world, it wouldn't be able to reach a totally non-magical world. It'd be like... trying to start a fire in a vacuum."

"According to Alex, there wasn't anything there. He spent over a decade trying to get back. It is a little more complicated than I'm describing it, for another individual was sent there -- either accidentally or by design, we're not sure -- and when she was rescued, he was brought back, too. The person -- and from what Alex told me, I'm using the term loosely -- who brought them back owed a favor to the lover of the woman who had been sent there." He shrugs. "From what I understand, it was a 'dark, cloaked figure who never spoke. Alex wasn't asking questions, either."

He turns to face Ralph, "Ralph, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there are some rules even magic has to obey."

"It's not like chemistry or even alchemy," Ralph says. "I wish it were that simple. The only rules that magic follows are its own. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If you say the chant correctly and perform the spell at the right time, you certainly have a better shot at success than not. But the Spell of Protection, even given all of the precautions we took, still had complications."

Knightblade turns his attention back to the Golden Avenger, "I'm curious, Protector said he returned through a weird fog. How did your brother return? And... is he currently missing again?"

"He's as fine as can be for sitting in the Persian Gulf on the USS John F. Kennedy," says the Golden Avenger. "Anyone trying to kidnap him now would be hard pressed even to find him."

Knightblade stares thoughtfully out the window for a moment then says, "Perhaps this dark cloaked figure discovered a weakening in the Spell of Protection when he brought your brother and the woman back. It would have been about the same time these mystical attacks began. Did your brother get the name of the woman or her lover? They might lead us to him or at least, have some more information."

"I'm sorry," he says. "But that information is highly classified. Your idea has some merit, however. I will do what I can to see if PRIMUS can verify it."

"The Spell of Protection," Ralph adds, "Was only meant as a stop-gap measure anyway. It was intended to block whatever the cultists were summoning at their ritual. We stumbled upon their plans, and it was a race against time. After the initial failure of the spell, we finally blocked the portal." He snorts. "You can still see where they tried it," he says. "It's a run-down house on Highway 1 south of Pacifica-- thing's been condemned for decades.It overlooks the ocean, perched precariously on a cliff. The ground gave way underneath the building -- aided by a little TNT."

"Well it sounds like that's a place to start," Protector says, thinking that he has to do *something* about Carol or else he'd go crazy. "Why don't we go see if there's anything left there." It was a desperate, but he couldn't think of any other route.

"I know exactly where it is," the Golden Avenger says. "It's right by my house. I'll check it out on my way home. Anyone want to come?"

"I'm up for a road trip." Odyssey says, jumping up from her place on the couch. "I say we check it out. If it was used once, there's no guarantee it's not being used again. And perhaps it might yield up some clues."

"If you don't mind teleporting me back to PRIMUS," the Golden Avenger says, "My Jeep is there, and I can take a couple people."

"I'll ride with you," Ralph pipes up, picking up his shotgun. The Golden Avenger's eyebrows arch, but he doesn't say anything.

"It might be a longshot, but I don't think we have the luxury of ignoring any connection," Knightblade states, "Let's go."

"Oh and since we are guessing that more than one group is involved in all of the kidnappings try this theory on for size - remember I have a lot of these," she says winking at the Golden Avenger. "Perhaps another group is kidnapping some of these people not for evil cult purposes but to benefit their own world. Great artists needed for a world that lacks art; great singers for the tone deaf world; superheroes for the world without paranormals or magic users; great thinkers for the world missing geniuses."

"I just remembered that our missing persons reports also included: Four Berkeley professors -- history and art; three doctors from Kaiser -- from a locked operating room; a German consul and his translating staff -- four of them; and that woman from the think tank who lives on Nob Hill. "

Near-imperceptible response from Protector when the last is mentioned, (for those of you good at picking up on the near-imperceptible)

"Just a thought. If there is a cult working and grabbing some of these people, who'd notice a few more missing. You'd just instinctively assume that it was the cultists who grabbed them all. That would give someone the perfect cover to come in and do a little wholesale mining for people to improve their dimension....."

This sounded pretty far out, but Shawn wasn't about to rule anything out of this madness. Odyssey had a magic artifact, so she was more of an authority than him most likely.

"OK, I can teleport a few people back to PRIMUS headquarters," Odyssey says. "The Golden Avenger and Ralph, anyone else?"

"Knightblade and Protector, I saw you brought your own vehicles. Do you just want to meet us at the house? At PRIMUS HQ?"

"If Protector's going to drive," Knightblade says, "I'd just as soon catch a ride with him. I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the Bay area."

"Actually," the Golden Avenger says, "If you want to meet me at PRIMUS, we can all squeeze into the Jeep and still discuss what's going on. If this is the place I'm thinking of, there isn't any parking anyway, and it's on a cliff. One vehicle might not be conspicuous, but two or more will be."

[Protector and Knightblade leave on Protector's motorcycle.]

"It almost makes me wish that I owned a Harley," Odyssey says, looking wistfully at Protector's motorcycle as the two go down the street. "What do you think Ralph - could you see me on a Harley tearing down the freeway?"

Ralph eyes her skeptically. "Not in that outfit," he says. A glance at the Golden Avenger reveals a poorly concealed smirk. As soon as he notices her watching him, though, his expression becomes grave.

As they head back into the house, Odyssey adds, "By the way Ralph, why do you have that Degas? I didn't know you were into Impressionists?"

"Darn gifts," he says. "It was a birthday gift from an old friend -- a dancer -- and she thought I'd like it. I have no place to put it, though. I don't suppose you and Anthony would like it, would you? You have room for it?"

"Oh, Ralph, we'd love to have it, but something like this belongs in the public so the world can appreciate its beauty. You should donate it to a museum. I could arrange it with the de Young. You could even be an anonymous donator if you'd like."

"Museum?" Ralph says. "Don't trust museums. Too easy for things -- important things -- to get stolen."

It only takes a matter of seconds for the teleport between Ralph's house and PRIMUS HQ. Still, Odyssey opens an eye carefully checking to make sure all of us arrived with our clothes on. What would be worse, she wonders, showing up at PRIMUS HQ without the Golden Avenger or showing up at PRIMUS HQ with a naked Golden Avenger? Probably the naked Golden Avenger. He'd kill me because all the Silver Avengers and Iron Guardsmen would be making jokes.

What is immediately apparent about standing this close to the Golden Avenger and Ralph, Odyssey notices, is that the Golden Avenger smells of spicy aftershave, and Ralph smells like gin.

Odyssey thinks that they've all arrived with clothing intact. Ralph notices your scrutinization, and wonders what you're up to. A brief explanation yields a snort from him. "How would you notice if you were missing clothes? You aren't wearing much to begin with. I thought superheroines wore those leotards, and cloaks and boots!"

"I'll have you know that Tony picked this costume out and he loves it," she says.

"I'll bet!" he snorts.

"Well at least I'm not wearing a chain mail bikini," she says nonchalantly. "That would pinch."

An Iron guardsmen snickers at his comments, and the Golden Avenger stares him down. "Why don't we wait inside?" he suggests. The wind is coming off the bay, and it is frightfully cold. The Presidio takes the brunt of the Pacific's weather, and though it's not too foggy, the mist is still clinging to their hair and clothes.

[Protector and Knightblade on the motorcycle, vroom...]

As they head outside, Protector asks Knightblade for the frequency of his helmet radio and adjusts his micro transmitter to compensate. As they roar away from the house he asks, "New around here, huh? Where's your old stomping ground?" He needed to keep talking to keep from going crazy with worry over Carol. It had been an awful long time since she had been kidnapped. What was happening to her?!

"Hudson City!" Knightblade yelled over the noise. He was beginning to think that Protector had a death wish that only surfaced when he drove. Especially after a particularly tight turn that scraped some of the chrome off his armor at the calf. Actually, that doctorate in psychology Tyler picked up that summer was starting to pay off. Protector had obviously been through a great trauma, but just from their first few meetings, Tyler could tell he was acting differently. Ever since... well, better not to guess. Too much of that going around. He leaned up to Protector and said, "Protector, if I might ask, Where are you?" He last words were slightly drowned out as Protector accelerated up one of San Francisco's many hills."

Driving along, Protector points out major landmarks to Knightblade, helping him to become familiar with the general layout of the area. But he can't help commenting once in a while how something has changed since he last saw it. How it "used to be a nice neighborhood" or how "of course, none of this was here in '45." etc.

Knightblade allows him to go on for a while before yelling again, "No, not where are we. Where are YOU? Because you're obviously not here."

"What the heck do you mean by that?" Protector says over his shoulder.

"I don't think we have time for me to go over everything," Knightblade says, "So, I'll start with the most obvious. Do you realize how you spoke to Odyssey back there? I'm sorry, but I can't believe you would ever act like that in normal circumstances. You've been back in the nineties for ten weeks after eight years in the forties. You take your hat off when you pass ladies in the street, don't you? You're puzzled when a woman acts surprised when you hold the door for her. No man can break those habits in such a short time, and he would never berate a woman in front of others like that. Unless... he was severely preoccupied with something else. So, I'm asking, because my life and the lives of others may depend on it, what can distract a man from the fate of the entire world?"

[Back at PRIMUS]

Inside the base, the reception area is closed down for the day. The building's dedication plaque hangs prominently (Odyssey had only noted it briefly when she was here previously), with a picture of young Silver Avenger Johnson standing proudly in front of the new base. It's a sharp contrast to the older man, who is standing, waiting for the others to appear. He seems tired now, and sad. Though he still looks young -- from the quick math she did at lunch, she figures his age to be around 36, and he looks maybe 30 years old -- he seems weary.

Ralph is standing vigil, back against a wall, shotgun in hand. Though the agents balked at him carrying it in, a nod and what you thought was a wink from the Golden Avenger silenced their protest.

"Hey are you OK?" Odyssey says, stepping up the Golden Avenger and placing a hand on his shoulder. Well, what the hell, I really don't know what this amulet does. Maybe it can heal the psyche too. I'll give a try and I think good positive thoughts about the Golden Avenger. "You look a little under the weather."

He turns and smiles slightly, sadly. "I'm fine, really," he says. His eyes seem distant. "Memories, that's all." No one else is around -- Ralph is occupied with polishing the barrel of his shotgun, seated on one of the circular benches in the PRIMUS foyer. The entire front wall of the structure is glass, and outside the two Iron Guardsmen are laughing at some joke. He shakes his head and smiles more genuinely.

"Things have just changed a lot in the last ten years or so. Who would have thought PRIMUS would start working with vigilantes, for one?" he gestures to Ralph and turns towards Odyssey.

"Well, I don't know if I'd put Ralph in the same category as the Punisher," she says in a joking tone. "For one thing he doesn't own a motorcycle. But then they say strange times make strange bedfellows."

Lowering her voice to more of a whisper I add, "At least he's not beating up on the Iron Guardsman. I think he would have if they took his gun away. Thank you."

His eyes are an amazing clear blue -- unreal, really -- and when he smiles the skin around his eyes crinkles, and he almost makes her forget the expression of pure agony that you caught on his face only a moment ago. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking, though, Odyssey." He turns back, and stares out the window, waiting.

Yeah, right and pigs can fly. Tony gets the exact way when he doesn't want me to know he's upset. Funny that, he hates when I make him share his feelings. I find it hilarious that it's something he and the Golden Avenger have in common. Well, he may not talk to me about it, but that doesn't prevent me from saying something. It's the same tact I use with Tony. Tell him what I think and then leave him to mull it over. It may not help, but at least it makes him realize that someone cares about him. Though I imagine Maria Chow has probably tried this on him to no avail. But, maybe if we both keep doing it, something will sink in.

"It's hard being away from someone you love," Odyssey says earnestly but softly, not expecting any reply. "I know I miss Tony and he's just gone on a business trip. I don't know what I would have done if I could never see him again. I guess that's why we defied our parents and eloped - that fear of separation. Well, that and a burning desire to have Elvis sing Blue Suede Shoes at our wedding."

Talking to the Golden Avenger's back is not easy. For one thing it's really big. Still I continue. "But now that we've been married, well, he's here always in my heart. And no matter what I do - even rummaging through cultists houses - he's here with me."

"She's still here with you too. Maybe not physically here, but she'll always be here in your heart. No one can take that away from you." And with that she sits down on a chair in the reception area. It all would have been easier if the amulet helped me mend hearts as well as limbs. Why can nothing in life be easy?

"Well Ralph, what do you think we'll find at this house?"

"What the hell?!" Golden Avenger says, opening the glass doors suddenly.

"What?" Odyssey asks, standing again.

"Knightblade and Protector just stopped down the hill. Looks like they're...fighting?"

He strides out, into the night, and Odyssey and Ralph follow. "Stay here," he orders the Iron Guardsmen, who look a tad disappointed under all that armor.

The three of them are concealed by high trees and an old bunker as they stare down at the scene below. Though they aren't more than 50 feet from PRIMUS, the building is out of sight. How did the Golden Avenger know?

[Protector and Knightblade off the motorcycle]

"Off." says Protector, his tone implying that defiance is not an option. Startled, Knightblade gets off the bike, and stands ready for anything. Protector dismounts and turns to face him.

"Son, don't you lecture me on good etiquette; I've stood before more Kings, Queens, and Presidents than you could probably name. I know when to mind my Ps and Qs and when to tell them to go to hell. And don't tell me how I ought to act because of where I've been. You don't know anything about what we did back then. If a woman did what Odyssey did tonight back in 1945, I'd have dressed her down just the same way. I have never ever expected any less from my teammates because they were women. And don't even think about implying that my mind isn't 100% on the job at hand. I have served my country through thick and thin. If I'm not doing a jig over having to "save the world", it's only because I've done it before. If you carried the burden I did, you'd throw that shiny suit in the nearest ravine and run home as fast as you could, so if you ever say what you just did, ever again... I'm going to knock your block off. Is that clear?"

"Great," Odyssey mutters. "Evil is rising, trying to take over the world and these two are having a fight. I knew I should have teleported everyone straight to PRIMUS."

"Don't interrupt them," the Golden Avenger whispers. "They've been needing to hash this out all night. You too, Ralph."

"I know, I know," Ralph grumbles. "I bet Cass, er, Odyssey could kick both their butts, though."

"Um, Golden Avenger, you wouldn't happen to have a jacket I could borrow, do you? It's kind of cold out here, but I kind of want to see who wins. What do you suppose they're arguing about - who's got bigger armor?"

He gives her the bomber jacket, which is warm and smells good. He says, "I don't know. Usually it's whose weapon is bigger, but this looks like an alpha-dog thing." He looks wryly at Odyssey.

[Protector and Knightblade arguing.]

Knightblade's eyes never waver from Protector's as he says, "Very clear. But let me explain something to you, son." Knightblade's voice takes a harsher tone, and his armor creaks as his muscles tense. "You better oil up that glove. Because if I ever have reason to worry about my teammates, I am going to speak my mind. Honestly, openly, and probably in private, like now. And the first thing you need to learn about me is that any man can talk to me, but the only man that can *lecture* me is my father. Now, if you don't agree with that, you go right ahead and throw that punch. Afterwards, we'll get back on your bike and go to PRIMUS. Just realize, that when we've finished "saving the world", I'm going to return that punch... with interest."

Protector thinks, 'So he's saying if I hit him, he's too big of a man to fight back right now, but I better watch out later when its a more appropriate time for him to sock me. That's not how anger works you idiot. What a load of modern psycho-crud!' "Just who are you worried about?"

"You, dammit," Knightblade says, "You've been wound tighter than a bomb squad on espresso ever since last night. Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed, but it's clear as glass to may." Protector notices a definite southern drawl creep into Knightblade's voice as he gets agitated. "And if you'll excuse me for being braught up to give a damn about people, but I wanted to see if I could help out an any way. So you know, ah was also raised to stay out of a man's private affairs. If it's personal, just say so. If I'm wrong, tell me. I'd prefer just about anything over being insulted."

Protector turns away, and gets on the bike, his back to Knightblade. He closes his eyes tightly for a few seconds, trying to push his emotions down where they won't be in the way for the time being. In the blackness before him he can still see her face. She's so lovely. Her eyes look into his, their blueness breathtaking. She smiles an odd smile, different from her usual one, a little off-center. For a split second her eyes dart to the left, and return to his, then she smiles a little wider.

Her form is only a blur to him; her super-soldier's reflexes propelling her across the lab with amazing speed. He screams for her to stop with a cry torn from the depths of his heart, and pulls the trigger. The revolver thunders and acrid smoke curls up around his face. She stops, her features sharp as crystal in the desert sun streaming in through the skylights. Looking down at the rapidly expanding dark-red stain on her torso, a tiny gasp escapes her lips, then, oddly, a giggle. She sways, and begins to fall. Dropping the pistol, he rushes forward to catch her, but is too late, and the back of her skull strikes the concrete with a sickening whack.

Protector opens his eyes.

"Alright," he says evenly, without looking back at Knightblade, "I'm telling you, then. It's personal." He starts the bike and the engine roars back to life. "Now, c'mon... We've got to go save the world."

Knightblade pauses a little while before getting back on the bike, apparently to compose himself. As he gets on the bike, he hands Protector a plain white business card. On the front, is a very simple:

Tyler McBain

Metahuman Research Corporation

And a phone number with an extension. As Protector turns it over, he sees written on the back in blue ink, "Home," another phone number, and the words, "Just in case you run out of espresso." Knightblade leans over his shoulder and says, "Well, let's do it."

Tucking the card smoothly into his jacket pocket, Shawn reaches out and grabs the grips tightly with both hands. He kicks the bike forward off of its stand and the back wheel grabs the ground, throwing it backward beneath them in a spray of dirt and gravel. In moments they pull up in front of the PRIMUS gates and are swiftly admitted.

When it looks like they're about done the GA gestures for Odyssey and Ralph to come back into the PRIMUS building. "Probably not a good idea to let them know we saw them discussing their feelings," he says.

"Well, I wouldn't want to disturb their bonding session," I reply.

The Golden Avenger, Odyssey, and Ralph are standing in front of the PRIMUS building when Protector and Knightblade arrive.

Protector leans the bike onto its stand and the two of them dismount and join the others.

"Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

"No, no," the Golden Avenger says, unlocking the door to the white Jeep Cherokee (It has the old blue and gold California vanity plate: SCOUT). "Odyssey and I were having a lovely talk."

He opens the door for Odyssey, then unlocks the back doors. Protector, Knightblade and Ralph -- and Ralph's shotgun -- are left to squeeze into the Jeep's back seat. "I've also informed a team in the area that we're going in on this, in case we need even more backup," he adds.

"Not that I think we'll need it, but you never can tell. Better to be prepared, anyway."

When he switches on the engine, the stereo picks up, and you hear "Army Dreamers," by Kate Bush come on. He turns the volume down, but you can still hear it in the background. He zips through the windy roads of the Presidio and through the darkened residential area of China Beach, to end up cruising down a stretch of road along the coast called the "Great Highway." Hardly that, it only lasts for a few minutes, when he pulls the Jeep into through more foggy streets and into late night freeway traffic, and eventually onto PCH, what Californians affectionately call the Pacific Coast Highway (Highway 1).

Knightblade looks around the car before deciding that he has to ask the question that has been on his mind, "Golden Avenger, I know this may not be the best time, but... just how good of a chess player is Alex Richardson?"

"Looking to win that $367?" laughs the Golden Avenger. "He's really good. The last I heard, his rating was 2547. He consistently beats me, anyway. Did you know that he still competes?"

As Knightblade and the Golden Avenger discuss the finer points of chess stratagems, Odyssey turns in her seat so she can look Protector straight in the eye and is suddenly struck by incongruity of the scene before her.

Crammed into the back of the Golden Avenger's Jeep are three men who would look out of place even at a costume ball. Knightblade's armor, while extremely cool to look at, takes on a slightly humorous air when it is forced into the crowded confines of the vehicle. His knees must be killing him. The back seat of the Cherokee doesn't have that much leg room. Combine this with a grizzled, gun-toting investigator and a superhero who looks like a combination of Indiana Jones and a WW II fighter pilot and you get a picture that even Picasso would have to call unusual. However, if Picasso painted it, Protector's nose would end up somewhere on Knightblade's chin.

"Protector, I've been thinking about what you said about how things are different here then they were when you left," says Odyssey, struggling to find words that won't ignite another heated debate like the one at the house. "Do you think that this world, the one we are all in now, is not the world that you suddenly disappeared from those years ago?"

"Sure, this world may look and feel almost like your world. It could even have some of the same people. But then there are the little differences. With all this talk of dimensional gateways and alternate Earths, I think you may have been in three different world - your original Earth, the 1940s WWII Earth you fell into and now this Earth. That would explain the differences in our timeline from what you remember."

"Actually it wasn't years ago that I... well, disappeared. Nobody even knew I was missing, so I don't think it was more than a couple of hours that passed while I was gone. As for the other things, I don't honestly know. I could guess, but it would only be that... a guess." He stares out the window for a moment and looks at her again. "I'm sorry I blew up at you back there before. I really have to come to grips with the fact that things are different. I did that once, got settled and happy in my new situation, then bang, everything blew up and here I am again."

"Thank you for saying your sorry," Odyssey says. I know that wasn't easy to do in front everyone, she thinks. "I'm partly to blame too. I'm afraid one of my terrible qualities is being rather abrupt. I tend to just blurt out what I'm thinking, usually without and forethought. But if it's any comfort, at least you know now, I'll never lie to you."

Then, hoping to avoid that drop in conversation that usually accompanies discussions about feelings, Odyssey moves seamlessly into other topics of conversation.

"Do you want to go back to that other Earth?" she asks Protector.

"I really don't know how I could, to be honest. I've thought about it, but..." he pauses, composing the complexity of his problem into words. "The only way the world I left could exist, is if I never left it right? So if I get back there, would there be two of me?"

"You may not necessarily have been replaced by another you," Odyssey says. "That implies that every world has some version of you present. I could see an argument that the amount of energy has to remain constant between these alternate Earths, but that the unique distribution of that energy does not. It's like a painting. The painting is there but maybe on one Earth it's a Picasso and on another it's a Da Vinci or someone we've never heard of. Or maybe it's not a painting at all. Maybe it's a chipmunk."

"Would I lose all my memories, which seems to be happening to me now, here." Protector says. "Everything is clear right now, because it's in the forefront of my mind, but when I relax I begin to remember things wrong - the way they are here, I mean, and catch myself. Its a frightening issue..." He pauses again, not realizing how uncomfortable this idea made him until he voiced it to Odyssey. "I don't want to lose my memories. That life is mine, not the alternate one that's creeping in on me while I'm not looking..."

"Perhaps your body is naturally adjusting to life in this world," Odyssey says, looking thoughtful.

"That's been my assumption, so far," Protector replies.

"Or it could be a natural affect of all this dimensional travel. Who knows. If all this is the aftereffects of some spell, perhaps it is that spell that is affecting your memory," she adds.

"How would I know if it was a spell?" Protector asks. "Who would do something like that?"

"Who is to say," Ralph adds from the middle of the backseat, "that anyone is? Maybe you're like that 'Quantum Leap' fellow, who kept jumping around, setting things right. Maybe it's intrinsic to your powers."

"But I never had any powers until that weird fog showed up. Until after I was transported."

"That's what I mean, Protector," Ralph continues. "Maybe that started the whole thing off. You didn't have any powers beforehand, so why have them after, unless they're a part of it."

"Are you saying that... I called the fog to come and get me?" his jaw (as strong as it is), hangs half open in surprise.

"No, that's not what I mean at all," Ralph answers. "I'm saying that when it got you it may have triggered something latent, that's all. Or that whatever sent you back triggered them."

"Well personally, I think you had your powers before this fog showed up," Odyssey pipes in to add. "Sure they may have manifested themselves more in this other Earth. Powers just don't appear unless they're tied to a magical item. You're not hefting around the piece of the true cross and not telling us are you?"

"That's a good point," says the Golden Avenger from the driver's seat. Outside the fog is so thick he has to put the windshield wipers on. "Maybe since you were transported magically -- however that happened -- you've become a walking magical item. Maybe the reason lots of these events are happening in the Bay Area is because you're a conduit of some sort."

"Great Caesar's Ghost!" Protector exclaims and turns to Ralph. "You don't really think so do you?"

Ralph shrugs. "It is a possibility. I've been tracking the rest of the country, but the Bay Area has an incredible amount of these things happening here, and no where else in the world currently is it that high. It could be you, it could be the fact that there is an active cult here. But who knows?"

"Ralph's right," Knightblade says, "It is a possibility, but I think you're reversing cause and effect. I don't believe the events are here because of Protector. I think Protector is here because of the events."

"Consider this, Protector goes into the past and when he returns magic has suddenly changed from plentiful to rare. Obviously, somehow his presence in the past caused the results that the Spell of Protection was supposed to achieve."

"Now the world is threatened again in almost exactly the same fashion, and Protector shows up again. It's entirely possible, Protector... that you are the Spell of Protection."

"... Are we there yet?" Protector says.

Odyssey looks over at the Golden Avenger just in time to note him rolling his eyes, as he downshifts. "No, just about, though," he answers, catching her wink back at him and shaking his head slightly. And a few short moments later, he pulls the Jeep off the road. "We'll have to walk from here," he says.

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