Antonio 'Tony" Salvatore
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Complexion: Tan
Hair: Straight black, medium length
Appearance: Handsome
Occupation: Contractor
Age: 28
Married to Cassandra Papadopolis
Children: None yet.
Pets: One dog, Lobo
Party affiliation: Moderate Democrat
Personality: Warm and affectionate with his wife. Very defensive
of her too. Acts like the tough guy at work, but really a sweetheart inside.
Teases his wife with her school nickname "pondering Papadopolis"
when he wants to get her ire up.
Loves: His wife (madly), his mother and likes Uncle Alex (one exploding
cigar too many has tried his patience a bit.) Enjoys hiking and boating.
Hates: Corruption. Those who abuse power and oppress people. Has
a particular nasty aversion to the mafia. (He's a contractor with an Italian
name so he hates the assumption that goes along with it.)
Religion: Roman Catholic, but goes to mass on a sporadic schedule.
Alexandros Papadopolis
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Black
Complexion: light olive
Hair: Straight black
Appearance: Rotund but jolly
Occupation: Restaurant owner
Age: 55
Children: None
Pets: None
Party affiliation: Libertarian
Personality: The consummate practical joker, but always willing
to help a person out.
Loves: Cassandra, his restaurants, a good joke and a good meal.
Hates: People with no taste, bad cooks, and those who can't laugh
at a joke.
Religion: Greek Orthodox, but hasn't been to church in ages.
Erma Salvatore
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Black
Complexion: Tan
Hair: Straight black
Appearance: Huggable
Occupation: homemaker
Age: 50
Children: Five, Tony is the youngest. Four other boys: Mark, Joe,
Peter and John Pets: None
Party affiliation: Democrat
Personality: A very warm and caring mother who puts her children
before everything else.
Loves: Her children. Likes Cassandra. Works through the church to
help needy kids.
Hates: Those who inflict pain on others.
Religion: Roman Catholic. Goes to church every Sunday and all Holy