
Duke of Warrington (Matthew)
Lord Fenworth (Kirk)
Lord Rhys-Davies (NPC)
Comte de Chareau (JT)
Lady Eleanor Tillyard (NPC)
Sir Frederick Sutton (NPC)
Lt. Edward Manton, RN (Rick)

Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins (NPC)
Miss Katherine Morris (Jennifer)
Mr. Charles DuBery (Cheri)
Miss Georgiana DuBery (Cheri)

Mr. Stephen Lewis & Miss Eugenia Lewis (NPC)
Mlle. Marie de Chardin (NPC)


Character Generation
Note: FTF and PBEM characters follow the same character creation guidelines. More latitude will be given to PBEM characters in regards to background and current status, as PBEM characters will interact with each other, NPCs and FTF PCs through letters.

For more information on joining the PBEM, please read here.

PCs can be male or female, but should be of middle- to upper-class British, French, or American extraction, with open minds and useful skills for adventuring.

In GURPS terms, the PCs should be built on a base of 145 points, plus 40 points in Disadvantages and 5 points in Quirks. This is more than your average GURPS game, to allow for the purchase of status and wealth.

Players who write a fairly detailed history of their character will receive five bonus points to be spent anywhere they'd like (in advantages, attributes, or skills).

Also, as the game progresses, players have the option of writing letters back and forth with NPCs (letter writing was an important part of communication during this time period). Not only does this add to the experience, but you'll also receive extra experience points.

Note: I'm assuming anyone from this class grouping is literate - no need to spend the points. PCs do need to spend points on their Status. Military Rank is independent of status in society, and must be purchased separately. Note that extreme levels of wealth also confer a kind of status on the PC; depending on how this wealth is gained will determine how members of society react to the character. Being "in trade" is considered vulgar, but inheriting a large fortune from a relative is not.

Allowed Advantages include:
Absolute direction, Absolute Timing, Acute Senses, Alcohol Tolerance, Alertness, Ally, Alternate Identity, Ambidexterity, Animal Empathy, Appearance, Cast Iron Stomach, Charisma, Clerical Investment, Cool, Courtesy Rank, Danger Sense, Daredevil, Deep Sleeper, Diplomatic Immunity, Discriminatory Senses, Disease-Resistant, Double-Jointed, Eidetic Memory, Eidetic Sense-of-Smell, Empathy, Enhanced Block or Move, Favor, Fearlessness, Fit, Flexibility, Hard-to-Kill, Heir, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Disease, Increased Speed, Intuition, Knighthood, Language Talent, Less Sleep, Light Hangover, Lightning Calculator, Luck, Manual Dexterity, Mathematical Ability, Military Rank, Musical Ability, No hangover, Patron, Perfect Balance, Rank (types), Reputation, Sanctity, Sensitive, Single-Minded, Status, Strong Will, Temporary Wealth, Toughness, Versatile, Very Fit, Very Rapid Healing, Voice.

This is the English system of rank from GURPS Scarlet Pimpernel. I've adapted it somewhat in the lower ranks. For a very comprehensive explanation of rank and how to address members of the nobility, look at

King Status 7
Prince Status 6
Duke Status 5
Marquess Status 5
Earl Status 4
Baron Status 3
Baronet Status 2
Knight, MP Status 1

This is a heroic game, and characters should be built with that in mind. But gaming (and fiction) are boring when characters are perfect, and if you'd like to give your PCs some less-than-heroic traits that he or she can grow out of as time passes, that's fine with me as long as the overall character is heroic.

Allowed Disadvantages include:
Absent Mindedness, Addiction, Alcohol-related Disads, Appearance, Attentive, Bad Sight/Smell, Bloodlust, Broadminded, Capricious, Charitable, Chauvinistic, Clueless, Code of Honor, Color Blindness, Compulsive Behavior (carousing, gambling, love of, lying, spending, vowing, etc.). Cowardice, Curious, Deep Sleeper, Delusions, Dependencies, Dependent, Distractable, Disturbing Voice, Duties, Easy to Read, Enemy, Extravagance, Extreme Fanaticism, Glory Hound, Gluttony, Greed, Gregarious, Guilt Complex, Gullibility, Hard of Hearing, Honesty, Horrible Hangovers, Imaginative, Impulsiveness, Indecisive, Innumerate, Intolerance, Jealousy, Klutz, Lecherousness, Light Sleeper, Lover's Distraction, Migraine, Nervous Stomach, Night Blindness, No Sense of Humor, No sense of smell/taste, Nosy, Obdurate, Oblivious, Obnoxious Drunk, Obsession, Odious Personal Habits, On the Edge, One arm, One eye (Hey, it worked for Admiral Nelson), One Hand, Overconfidence, Overweight, Paranoia, Personality Change, Poverty, Primitive, Proud, Quirks, Reputation, Secret, Self-Centered, Selfish, Selfless, Sense of Duty, Short Attention Span, Shyness, Skinny, Sleepwalker, Sleepy Drinker, Slow Eater, Slow Healing, Slow Metabolism, Social Disease, Social Stigma, Sterile, Stubbornness, Stuttering, Truthfulness, Undiscriminating, Uneducated, Vulnerability, Weak Immune System, Weak Will, Weirdness Magnet, Workaholic.

GURPS is a very skill-intensive game, but remember that most skills have a default (the appropriate attribute minus a certain amount, or one of your other skills minus a certain amount, depending on the difficulty). Don't worry about having to buy every skill in the event your character might need it -- just buy the skills that make sense for the character's background.

Allowed Skills include:
Acrobatics, Acting, Administration, Animal Handling, Appreciate Beauty, Archaeology, Area Knowledges, Armory, Artist, Astrology, Astronomy, Axe/Mace, Ball Game, Barber, Bard, Black Powder Weapons (type), Board Games, Botany, Bow, Brawling, Buckler, Calligraphy, Carousing, Cartography, Chess, Climbing, Cloak, Cooking, Cooperage, Courtesan, Criminology, Crossbow, Dancing, Detect Lies, Diagnosis, Diplomacy, Disguise, Driving, Economics, Engineer, Erotic Art, Escape, Falconry, Fast-Draw, Fast-Talk, Fencing, First Aid, Fishing, Forgery, Gambling, Games, Gardening, Garrote, Gesture, Gunner, Guns, Heraldry, Hidden Lore, History, Holdout, Intelligence Analysis, Interrogation, Intimidation, Jeweler, Juggling, Jumping, Knife, Knife-throwing, Language, Law, Leadership, Leatherworking, Lip Reading, Literature, Lockpicking, Main-Gauche, Masonry, Mathematics, Mechanic, Merchant, Metallurgy, Mimicry, Musical Composition, Musical Instrument, Musical Notation, Naturalist, Navigation, Needlecraft, Occultism, Packing, Panhandling, Performance, Philosophy, Physician, Physics, Physiology, Pickpocket, Poetry, Poisons, Polearm, Politics, Pottery, Psychology, Riding (type), Running, Sailor, Satire, Savoir-Faire (type), Seamanship, Sex Appeal, Shadowing, Shield, Shipbuilding, Shiphandling, Singing, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Strategy, Streetwise, Surgery, Survival, Tactics, Tactics (Naval), Teamster, Theology, Throwing, Thrown Weapon, Veterinary, Weaving, Whip, woodworking, Writing, Zoology.